Those who experience domestic violence may be faced with a horrible decision: to stay with their abusers or face homelessness. “A lack of financial resources and options is the number one reason that victims of domestic violence cannot leave abusive relationships,” states Dr. Dara Richardson-Heron, CEO, YWCA USA.
It's complex, but domestic violence can lead to homelessness. “On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. In one year, this equates to more than 10 million victims,” reported the Justice Department, Office on Violence Against Women.
Once an abused person flees the abuse in a domestic violence situation, finding shelter, behavioral health services, and permanent housing can be challenging.
Domestic violence is an issue facing many individuals, families, and children in Toledo, Ohio.
“Persons experiencing domestic violence, particularly women and children with limited resources. They may lack access to the safe and confidential housing necessary to protect them from their abusers. Others may face discrimination while trying to obtain housing.” (National Network to End Domestic Violence)
According to the United States Department of Justice, “…one in four homeless women is homeless because of violence committed against her. Whether families receive assistance from domestic violence (DV) or homeless service systems is often a matter of chance, availability of beds, and knowledge of services in a community.” (National Center on Family Homelessness)
“One of the major causes of homelessness for children in the U.S. includes experiences of trauma, especially domestic violence, by their mothers and/or by the children themselves; trauma frequently precedes and prolongs homelessness for children and families.” (America’s Youngest Outcasts Fact Sheet)
The Journal of Intimate Partner Violence surveyed 180 homeless male and female youth in Columbus, Ohio, and found that 35 percent of youth were put down, called names repeatedly, or were controlled by their intimate partners in their lifetime, and 30 percent of youth were physically harmed.
There is one emergency shelter in Toledo for those fleeing domestic violence: YWCA. The YWCA offers a confidential and safe environment that helps those who have left an abusive situation and need shelter, food, and support to get back on their feet.
The YWCA is a domestic violence shelter for those fleeing abuse. They offer a Crisis Line at (419) 241-7386 or (888) 341-7386. The shelter’s crisis hotline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. YWCA also offers intakes 24/7.
This emergency shelter has 17 rooms and 46 beds.
Services offered include: