The logo for leading families home is a partnership between 1921 and 2021.

Leading Families Home employees SOAR-certified case managers. Our case managers assist Participants with the federal Supplemental Security Income/Social Security Disability Insurance (SSI/SSDI) application process, to support the Participant's choice and access to safe, decent, affordable housing in the Toledo area.


SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

It is a national program designed to increase access to the disability income benefit programs administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA) for eligible adults and children who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness and have a serious mental illness, medical impairment, and/or a co-occurring substance use disorder.


Our SSI Ohio Project specialists help people successfully apply for SSI/SSDI and other benefits using the SOAR methodology.

Leading Families Home employs SOAR-certified case managers.

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