During the 2024 holiday season, LFH donors were overwhelmingly generous in adopting over 160 families in our emergency shelters and housing programs. 2024 was by far the largest holiday adopt-a-family donation drive in LFH's history.
Due to the opening of LFH's second emergency shelter, located on Ashland Ave. in Toledo, more families than ever are enrolled in LFH's emergency shelter and housing programs.
LFH operates two emergency shelter locations and has hundreds of families and singles in its housing program. The Adopt-a-Family drive takes place from October to mid-December. During this time, families and single women enter emergency shelter and are housed after approximately 66 days. After their time at shelter, the families find housing and continue in LFH's program for at least two years. Families are assigned a personal Case Manager who works with the family while they are enrolled in LFH's program. The families receive behavioral health services, education, vocational training, and help with resources such as utilities, essentials, food, and legal assistance, if needed. The program is extremely successful, as 95% of those who exit remain stably housed and never face homelessness again.
Phil, Sue Childers, Stephanie
Al &Tina Pacer
Amber Knaggs
Analeyse Smith
Andrea Ford
Andrea Meadows
Angela Thomas
Anne Urfer
AT&T Telecom Pioneers
Baker/Buehler/Holzhauer Families
Becky Fielder
Beth & Steven Kutcher
Brittney Hurley
Cathe Schultz
Chris & Lillie Frybarger
Chris Perry
Collingwood Presbyterian Church
Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
Dan Kory
Deni Davis
Don Majchrowski
Elizabeth Dowling
Emilie Perkins
Erin Kozina and Formlabs Ohio
Faith Journey Ministry
First Unitarian Church of Toledo
Gary and Lisa Tressler
GVC Mortgage, Inc.
Harrell Family
Heidi Mayer
Historic Church of St. Patrick
Homebuys family
Humphrey family
Jacob & Ellen Gaietto
Jasmine Hoskins
Jennifer Turner
Kathleen Kennedy
Kathy Schwirzinski
Kelly Robinson-Chimney
Kelsey Edwards
Kevin & Marla Wietrzykowski
Keystone Capacity Solutions
Kozy Corsaut
Landis Family
Lee Batteiger
Leininger Family
Makenzie Kujawa
Mary Wabeke
Masse Family
Melanie Quinn
Melissa Snyder
Michelle Rutkowski
Mike Minchella
Mitzi Mazzullo
Moriah Brackett
Natalie Smyth
Nexus Engineering Group
Nicole Epps
Nicole Harbaugh
Ohioans HHC/Prohealth Therapy
Our Lady of Lourdes Men's Club
Paige Zilke
Parker Talent Management
Peter & Valerie Garforth
Piper Nelson
ProMedica Finance Department
Promedica Free Standing ER ( Megan Simmons)
Promedica Reimbursement & Decision Support
Robin Kirkbride
Rochelle Coleman
Ron and Jill Ranallo
Sandy Fox
Shelly Bogdanski
Shon St John
Speier Family
St. Anne's CVTU
Stacey Zsiros
Stanley & Kelly Goen
Target Store on Monroe
The Agner Family
The Fishers
The Gulches
The Lefevre Family
The Marker Family
The Senator Group
Temple Shomer Emunim
Toledo Correctional Institution
Tomorrow Begins Today Consulting of Ohio
Victoria Kim
Waggoner Family
Winans Family